How to Roundcube webmail forward to Gmail

For many people, email is an indispensable part of staying connected and conducting business. As such, it’s important to have a reliable and secure method of managing your emails. Roundcube webmail is one of the most popular open-source webmail solutions for managing emails. It is known for its intuitive user interface, powerful features, and flexibility. It’s become a favorite of many users looking for a user-friendly way to manage their emails.

How to Roundcube webmail forward to gmail

How to Roundcube webmail forward to gmail

This blog post will discuss the process of forwarding emails from Roundcube webmail to Gmail. Gmail is another popular email provider, and is known for its powerful security features and storage options. By forwarding emails from Roundcube webmail to Gmail, users can keep their emails secure and take advantage of all the features Gmail has to offer. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why users may want to forward their emails, how to set up this forwarding, and some of the benefits of forwarding from Roundcube webmail to Gmail.

1. Set up a POP3 account in Gmail

Setting up a POP3 account in Gmail is a great way to forward emails from Roundcube Webmail to a Gmail account. To get started, log in to your Gmail account and click the gear icon on the top right. On the settings page, click “Accounts and Import” and then choose the “Add a POP3 mail account you own” option. You will need to enter the email address associated with your Roundcube Webmail account and the POP3 server address. Once the connection is made, you can choose to have all emails from Roundcube Webmail forwarded to your Gmail account.

2. Configure Roundcube to forward emails to Gmail

Setting up Roundcube to forward emails to your Gmail account is a great way to keep all your emails in one place. The process requires two steps: configuring the Roundcube server and creating a Gmail filter.

For the first step, you’ll need to log into your Roundcube webmail account, go to the “Server Settings” tab, select the “Forwarding” option, and enter your Gmail address in the text box. Once you save your changes, all emails sent to your Roundcube account will be automatically forwarded to your Gmail address.

For the second step, you’ll need to create a filter in Gmail. This can be done by going to the “Settings” menu, selecting the “Filters and Blocked Addresses” option, and entering the Roundcube address in the “From” field. Once you save the filter, Gmail will automatically move all emails from that address to the appropriate folder.

3. Enable remote email forwarding in Gmail

One of the great features of using a Gmail account for your webmail is that you can easily enable remote email forwarding. This allows you to receive emails from any address you own in your Gmail account. To enable remote email forwarding, open the Settings page in Gmail, go to the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab, and select “Enable POP for all mail (even mail that’s already been downloaded)”. Then, enter the email address that you want emails to forward to in the “Forwarding” section. Finally, click “Save Changes” to complete the setup process.

4. Test the forwarding of emails

After setting up roundcube webmail to forward emails to your gmail account, it’s important to test the forwarding process to make sure everything works as expected. To do this, first send an email to the roundcube email address. Then, login to your gmail account and see if the email was received. If it was, the forwarding process was successful. You may also want to forward a few emails from roundcube webmail to gmail and check that the emails were received in the correct format. Once you’ve tested the process and confirmed it works, you can be sure emails are being forwarded as expected.

5. Configure Roundcube to delete the emails after they have been forwarded

Configuring Roundcube to delete emails after they have been forwarded is an easy process. First, log into your webmail client and go to the Settings tab. Under Preferences, select the Auto-forwarding option and check the box for “Delete emails after forwarding them”. Once you have checked this option, Roundcube will delete the emails after they have been forwarded. You can also configure Roundcube to forward emails to a specific email address, such as a Gmail account, or an email address of your choice. For more instructions on how to set up auto-forwarding, please refer to the Roundcube documentation.

In conclusion, it is relatively easy to set up forwarding of your emails from Roundcube Webmail to Gmail. With a few simple steps, you can have your emails forwarded to the Gmail account of your choice in no time. This will save you the time and hassle of accessing and managing multiple mail accounts, and make your communications more organized and efficient. If you need any help then contact with us

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